Sunday, August 24, 2014

Evil comes in many places
drops its zeal on democracy's faces
bloodied dust blankets rubbled Gaza streets
now clandestine, it hovers and creeps
and hides in the banks and the islands and fleets
next bold, foreign commerce sets to flame
roiling crude to boil in a tangible political game
that substance we squandered like children in energy races
more addictive than water, gangs roll dice for its places
yet we insist we are not fighting for oil
deadly rockets and media smokescreens
fall like pamphlets on the masses
desperation and greed are kicking our asses
but Baghdad was beautiful once
strong like Arabica coffee, peaceful and serene
Baku, Heglig, NYC, and Scarborough Shoel
the Negev Desert, Las Malvinas were and are more
than symbols of crude subordination
to privileged conflicts of advantage du jour
there was a day when wholly-formed children just played
and Yazidi's women walked city streets freely
strong voices proclaimed and debated their truths
only rains fell on crops when the skies were not blues
the forests of Afghanistan flourished tall without bombings
the leopards were strong hunters, not subject to hunting 
by the conflict sickened, homeless and hungered
and nature, she rested while morning doves sang

I'd like to see beauty like that once again.

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